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Saturday, April 19, 2014

Windows Phone 8.1 could introduce a separated keyboard

Microsoft patents the keyboard able to'' split'' on both sides of the display

The USPTO - U.S. Patent Office - Microsoft has issued a patent on one, or rather two new technologies of writing devoted to keyboards for devices "smart", or - at the moment - smartphones and tablets.

We got to see the first of the two technologies already in Windows Phone 8.1: it is the "Shape Writing Keyboard", affectionately dubbed "swipe writing", ie the mechanism that allows you to write without lifting your finger from the display simply by drawing a "virtual" line and the other a letter of the word. The line drawn is graphically visible, so as to minimize the possibility of errors.

To help users also intervene the dictionary of the operating system, which will try to predict the word that the user attempts to write also offering suggestions based on the words used most frequently. Nothing more nothing less than what we have seen in Windows Phone 8.1 developer preview in practice.

Particularly interesting is the second technology, literally a "separable keyboard", a sort of enhanced keyboard can "split in two" to solve the problems due to the width of the display and to allow simultaneous writing with both hands. Watching the picture on the top will clarify the ideas: Furthermore, the patent Microsoft wants that this type of keyboard has not form stable but is strongly dependent on the hand that the user uses more. For example, if the user mainly uses the right hand, he will be able to assign more keys - or even the entire keyboard - on the right side of the display. finish to the already interesting patent the ability to change the position of the double keyboard on the display according to your preferences.

It is not clear whether the dual keyboard will allow the combined use of technology "swipe".

Essentially that of the separable keyboard could be a new technology designed device with wide display Windows Phone family (two examples of the Nokia Lumia Nokia Lumia 1520 and 2520): something like this could help you to have more comfort in typing mode landscape (device oriented horizontally), minimizing typing errors, and why not, the risk of dropping the device due to a socket error.

It's easy to imagine that the "double keyboard" could be introduced into the final build of Windows Phone 8.1 - I remind you that, currently, it is possible to test the operating system developer editio n, and it is said that the final version of Windows Phone 8.1 still do not get new features.

Although the latter is mere speculation, it will be interesting to note whether - and in what context - Microsoft decides to use the patent.

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