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Saturday, April 26, 2014

iOS 8 is shown in action in a video ( Concept )

We have seen many concept iPhone 6, but this time we're going to show you a video where you can appreciate iOS 8 in action.

The concept is really well done. Are opened and shows some very interesting new features or applications. It starts with a new Notification Center can interact with the user in a better way; continues with Healtbook that before embarking synchronizes data with the iWatch, then we also see that the new Siri also works by integrating Shazam ( such as the latest rumors suggest ) and fails to provide information about a track listening, and finally there is also a nice feature called DriveLock with which the iPhone is completely blocked and you can not interact with it as long as you are driving, a security procedure which has been discussed in recent days .

It is therefore a very timely concept and with beautiful features, check out the video and let us know what you think.

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